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cuerpo, energia, sistema nervioso, circulacion energetica, energy balance, emociones, yin y yang, cuerpo fisico, cuerpo energetico, cuerpo espiritual, celulas

Parallel to our nervous and circulatory system, we have in our body a network of subtle energy circulation circuits. In 3000 BC, the Chinese discovered the existence of a vital energy called Chi, or life force, which constituted and permeated all matter. Chi contains two polarities, Yin and Yang. When these polarities are in balance, the body enjoys good health, when instead these two forces are out of balance, it will give rise to all kinds of discomforts. Too much Yang energy will result in excessive organic activity, while if Yin energy predominates, the functioning of the organism will be insufficient. Every living thing has Chi. It is the energy that feeds the life of plants, animals, human beings, and of course all of nature that surrounds us. The Chi also acts as a link that unites the physical body, the energetic body and the spiritual body .           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           Restoring the balance of our body's energy system allows us to restore internal order, reinforce said energy, and thus prevent the manifestation of certain pathologies or symptoms, keeping in mind that every disease begins and always has an energy imbalance behind it, as well as, behind of any energetic imbalance, there will also be a mental, emotional, or physical imbalance. 

Each system, tissue, organ in our body possesses and needs a specific degree of energy that is essential for its operation. When part of that energy is missing, said organ or system reduces its activity, so it cannot fulfill its functions perfectly, thus overloading other organs and systems.


The energy follows the direction of thought, it attracts and concentrates a greater number of cells with the specific information of such thought. Furthermore, this thought does not remain in the mental sphere, it will awaken in us certain emotions that will modify our biology.

Something similar happens with emotions. Suppressing or avoiding emotions leads to a great energy concentration in various parts of our body, with consequent energy blockage or accumulation. 

Becoming aware and acting, balancing this Yin and Yang energy, is a fundamental step towards a healthy path of life.



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