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Body, stress and emotions

estres, cuerpo, mente, energy balance, alerta, hormona, emociones, experiencias negativas, memoria, experiencias, vida, pasado pasadas

When we are exposed to situations that cause us greater stress than we can sustain, the body will release "stress hormones" into the bloodstream in order to put the entire system on alert, concentrating blood on the muscles necessary to fight or escape .

Even though we think we are in control, under stress, we automatically repeat past learned reactions based on negative emotions.

 Every time we think about that situation or experience a similar situation, we wake up  those neurons, muscles, nerves, tissues and cells_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cfron5 from such an experience, again causing changes in the biochemistry of the body, releasing stress hormones into the bloodstream again, in order to put us on alert. We can say that the negative experiences of the past even today condition our lives and our emotional states.

Nothing is forgotten.  

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